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Buildings management platform
Building management involves a clear coexistence of information sources on the one hand and users on the other.
The use of the building’s own information (materials, guarantees, compositions, revisions…) will lead to a more efficient and secure management.
All the users that are part of these must be able to participate and consume, from managers, property managers, service providers, tenants or owners.
Problem and Solution
The problem
“Too much asset information in too many different hands means that information is lost or it is not clear which is valid.”
How can we help by integrating information into an asset?
The importance lies in integrating information and all users (managers, tenants, service providers, etc.).
By generating a 3D consumer environment, we facilitate the understanding of the information in an agile, precise and fun way.
Reforms, breakdowns, rentals, consumption, KPIs… you can find everything in the digital model of your asset.
Create your virtual communities.
Data Analytics