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Urbim is a scalable and modular solution, which is why we continue to add functionalities and create alliances to help us create a more efficient solution.

This week there are some great new features:

  • Centralization of information from multiple document manager .Do you go crazy finding things? They are all here Dropbox, Sharepoint, OneDrive…

Often the localization of information in different sources that are document managers means that project participants are not clear about what is the latest valid information in the project. The first big problem is when we talk about document management in different storage providers. We don’t want to be a document manager (for the moment), but we do want you to have access to everything you need to consult in a single environment.

  • Want to see any real-time camera in the world? We can connect you to them.

There are many websites that openly and in real time share security cameras of buildings or cities, why don’t you take them into account in the management of your environment?

  • Monitor your home data in real time. Libelium, Fiware, HomeAssistant… Register your data source and make data-driven decisions.

Smart light bulbs, smoke sensors, presence sensors, de…. all managed from the manufacturer’s native application. This increases when we talk about what happens in a city or a territory. Integrate all sources for decision making and trigger events according to the behavior of the sources.

  • Point clouds can also be a great consumable and we can already work with them.

Point clouds are consumables that often have very valuable asset information, but are complex to consume by all users because of the software required, which makes it very difficult to give them continuity. In URBIM we bet for its integration inside the digital twin as one more way of information.

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