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BIM (Building Information Modeling)

BIM is a digital representation process that integrates physical and functional characteristics of building structures for design, construction, and management.

GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

GIS is a technology that captures, stores, analyzes, and presents spatial or geographical data for various applications like planning and management.

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Benefits BIM and GIS use

Three-Dimensional Precision

IM’s 3D capabilities offer precise visualization and simulation of buildings, enabling detailed design and construction planning that accounts for spatial relationships and physical constraints, which can be enriched with GIS's broader geographic context.

Dynamic Asset Management

The detailed 3D models produced by BIM provide a dynamic tool for the lifecycle management of a building, from conception through demolition. When combined with GIS, this enables a holistic approach to managing not only the building itself but also its interaction with the surrounding infrastructure and environment.

Improved Collaboration

BIM facilitates seamless collaboration among all the stakeholders of the asset by providing a shared digital representation of the asset, reducing errors and improving project outcomes.

Broad geographic context

The ability of GIS to handle 2D spatial data provides essential information about the geographic context, offering a macro perspective that complements the micro approach of BIM.

Real-Time Data Integration

GIS enables the integration of real-time data feeds into Digital Twins, such as weather conditions, traffic patterns, and human activity. This real-time contextual information enriches the digital twin with dynamic data, allowing for more accurate predictions, operational adjustments, and scenario planning.

Scalability and Flexibility

The use of GIS data allows Digital Twins to scale from focusing on a single asset, like a building or bridge, to encompassing an entire city or region. This scalability ensures that Digital Twins can be adapted and expanded to meet the evolving needs of their users, from local facility management to regional planning efforts.


Integration makes the force

“In isolation, all the data has value, but it is really when you make them coexist that they acquire their maximum power.
Analyzing small data in a global ecosystem enables us to make decisions by thinking big.”

María Pascual _General Manager